Rick Gonsalves has successfully managed investment portfolios for over two decades. He’s the CEO of AmericaFirst Capital Management, LLC, and he’s received multiple awards for his successful approach to portfolio management.
At AmericaFirst, Rick Gonsalves and his team use a rules-based and quantitative approach to investing. Their approach is made possible by the latest advancements in technology and data availability.
“We utilize cutting-edge technology to sift through millions of historical data points in an attempt to find reoccurring traits of historically successful investments in the hope these characteristics repeat themselves,” reads the company website. “Without the benefit of a crystal ball, we believe history provides the best insight as to what may be profitable in the future.”
Would you like to know more about Rick Gonsalves and his team at AmericaFirst Capital Management, LLC? If so, visit www.americafirstfunds.com for further information about the services they offer, their rules-based, quantitative approach to portfolio management, and for complete contact details.